

Information brochure on ticks in the Northwest Territories.


Publication date: 
July 2022
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Programme d’aide aux exploitants dans les collectivités (PAEC) - Feuillet de documentation

Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Community Harvesters Assistance Program (CHAP) - Fact sheet

Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

FAQ on Boreal Caribou Sustainable Harvest Assessment

Publication date: 
September 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Information sur les tiques et les maladies qui y sont associées.

Publication date: 
June 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Frequently asked questions about rabies in the Northwest Territories

Publication date: 
January 2021
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Information about the joint GNWT-Tłı̨chǫ Government approach to wolf (dìga) management in the North Slave region

Publication date: 
August 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Feuille informative sur les mesures visant à favoriser le rétablissement du caribou de Bathurst et de Bluenose-est 2019-20

Publication date: 
August 2020
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Feuille informative sur l’approche conjointe de gestion des loups (dìga) du GTNO et du gouvernement tłı̨chǫ dans la région du Slave Nord

Publication date: 
August 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Information sheet about actions to support the recovery of Bathurst and Bluenose-East caribou 2019-20

Publication date: 
August 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) et le gouvernement tłı̨chǫ ont élaboré une proposition conjointe sur cinq ans en réponse à des appels à l’action provenant de nos partenaires de cogestion, de chasseurs et de résidents, qui nous ont révélé qu’il est nécessaire d’améliorer la gestion des loups pour favoriser le rétablissement des hardes.

Publication date: 
January 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) and Tłı̨chǫ Government have prepared a five-year joint proposal in a response to calls from our co-management partners, harvesters and residents, who told us that increased wolf management is needed to help barren-ground caribou herds recover.

Publication date: 
January 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Fact sheet on the Boreal Caribou in the NWT

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Foire aux questions sur le caribou boréal aux TNO

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Conservation planning
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

The 2018-2019 North Slave Region Operations Report shares information on collaborative actions taken by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) and the Tłı̨chǫ Government over the past year to support barren-ground caribou recovery in the North Slave Region.

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Le Rapport 2018-2019 sur les opérations dans la région du Slave Nord présente des informations sur la collaboration entre le ministère de l’Environnement et des Ressources naturelles (MERN) et le gouvernement tłı̨cho˛ au cours de la dernière année pour appuyer le rétablissement du caribou de la toundra dans la région du Slave Nord.

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Information on the bee monitoring project of the department of environment and natural resources

Publication date: 
August 2019
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Information sur le projet de surveillance des abeilles du ministère de l’environnement et des ressources naturelle

Publication date: 
August 2019
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Movements of barren-ground caribou have been tracked by the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) since 1996 using satellite radio collars. Collars provide key information on caribou throughout the year.

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) suit les déplacements du caribou de la toundra depuis 1996 au moyen de colliers émetteurs. Les colliers fournissent des renseignements importants sur le caribou tout au long de l’année.

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 
