

Programme d’aide aux exploitants dans les collectivités (PAEC) - Feuillet de documentation

Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Community Harvesters Assistance Program (CHAP) - Fact sheet

Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Community Harvesters Assistance Program (CHAP) Summary Of Engagement And Next Steps For Action Dec 2021 - Programme d’aide aux exploitants dans les collectivités (PAEC) Résumé des consultations publiques et prochaines étapes Décembre 2021

  • Un sommaire en français est inclus dans le document
Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Monitoring, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 
  • The Take a Family on the Land Program provides funding to NWT Indigenous communities, governments and organizations, as well as not-for-profit associations, who then support the facilitation of on the land activities for families.
  • Le Programme permettant aux familles d’aller sur les terres ancestrales fournit des fonds aux collectivités, gouvernements et organisations autochtones des TNO, ainsi qu’aux associations à but non lucratif, qui soutiennent ensuite la facilitation d’activités sur les terres ancestrales pour les familles.
Publication date: 
December 2021
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach, Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 