
Publication date: 
February 2024
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
February 2024
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

FAQ on the heath of the forest in the NWT in 2021. 

Publication date: 
August 2022
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Monitoring, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Foire aux question sur l'état de la forêt des TNO en 2021.

Publication date: 
August 2022
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Monitoring, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
January 2020
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

This brochure describes restrictions on aircraft operation around wildfires.

Publication date: 
January 2020
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

The 2018-2019 North Slave Region Operations Report shares information on collaborative actions taken by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) and the Tłı̨chǫ Government over the past year to support barren-ground caribou recovery in the North Slave Region.

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Le Rapport 2018-2019 sur les opérations dans la région du Slave Nord présente des informations sur la collaboration entre le ministère de l’Environnement et des Ressources naturelles (MERN) et le gouvernement tłı̨cho˛ au cours de la dernière année pour appuyer le rétablissement du caribou de la toundra dans la région du Slave Nord.

Publication date: 
December 2019
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Fire is a natural and important part of the boreal forest ecosystem. Northern plants and animals have adapted to the cycles of fire and regrowth, and barren-ground caribou have co-existed with the effects of forest fires on their winter range for thousands of years.

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Les incendies sont un élément normal et important de l’écosystème de la forêt boréale. La flore et la faune nordiques se sont adaptées au cycle de la destruction par le feu et de la repousse, et, depuis des milliers d’années, les caribous de la toundra composent avec les répercussions des feux de forêt sur leur aire d’hivernage.

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Forest Act - Fact Sheet (pdf/4.59 MB)


The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is developing a new Forest Act to amend and combine the existing Forest Management Act and the Forest Protection Act.

Publication date: 
April 2019
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Forest Act - Fact Sheet (pdf/4.59 MB)


Poster showing land cover classification in the NWT, updated 2017.

Publication date: 
February 2017
Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Use this booklet to assess your risk from wildland fire, then use the results to FireSmart your home and property.

Publication date: 
May 2016
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Use the information in this booklet to teach your family how to be FireSmart. Once you've reached the end of this book, YOU will be a FireSmart Ambassador — a very important responsibility!

Publication date: 
May 2016
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach, Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Aussi disponible en français : Territoires du Nord-Ouest Opérations incendies de forêt


Publication date: 
May 2015
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Wildland fire and wildlife in the NWT's forests - brochure

Publication date: 
April 2014
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Black Spruce (pdf/874.44 KB)


Information on the black spruce tree including its traditional uses and uses by people and wildlife.

Resource Category: 
Forest resources, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Black Spruce (pdf/874.44 KB)

Frost Damage of Poplar (pdf/535.89 KB)


Information on the distribution, symptoms, prevention and control of frost damage on poplar trees.

Resource Category: 
Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Frost Damage of Poplar (pdf/535.89 KB)
