Traditional Knowledge

Traditional Knowledge in the Northwest Territories

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), through the Traditional Knowledge Policy, recognizes Aboriginal traditional knowledge is a valid and essential source of information about the natural environment and its resources, the use of natural resources and the relationship of people to the land and to each other. The GNWT incorporates traditional knowledge into government decisions and actions where appropriate.

The Department of Environment and Climate Change (ECC) has two distinct and significant obligations under the Traditional Knowledge Policy. The first is to coordinate government-wide traditional knowledge initiatives that have been approved by the Executive Council. 

The second is to ensure traditional knowledge about the natural environment is taken into consideration in all environmental management actions and decisions of the government.

Traditional Knowledge Policy Implementation Framework

The GNWT Traditional Knowledge Policy Implementation Framework was developed to provide direction to departments and agencies for the effective, respectful and appropriate incorporation of traditional knowledge into government programs and services.

The Implementation Framework recognizes some departments and agencies have a greater obligation than others to incorporate traditional knowledge into program and service delivery. 
